It All Starts with an Idea

Every startup starts somewhere.


The clock read 2am. Our team was sitting around the living room table working on FLTR, our first startup. During the previous four months, our team had seen every up and down we thought possible. It seemed like one day we were signing a $100,000 contract, and the next we were struggling to scrounge up $5,000 just to stay alive. On top of our financial issues, our lack of experience caught up with us. We had wasted thousands of dollars on legal fees, and our team just couldn’t stay organized. Morale was at an all time low.

We are a bunch of Millennials, so when the going got tough, we turned to the Internet. With years of Google mastery under our belts, we knew there had to be some application to help young startups get off the ground. After hours of scouring the web, we came up empty handed. Not one tool existed that could solve all of our problems. We reached out to other startup teams to figure out the solution, and soon we realized that no one had an answer. In that moment, siëo took shape. If nobody was going to solve this problem for us, we were going to solve it for everyone.

Our three-man team had an idea, but we had no idea whether it would work. So, we spread our idea. siëo became contagious. In a flash, we had a dedicated group of 13 that started building siëo from the ground up. From design to development, our team covered every need. Even with our core solidified, siëo attracted interest from everyone that heard of our journey. From students to professors to presidents, siëo became a name that people wanted to associate with.

Months later, siëo now stands as a startup built from a desire to inspire. siëo not only wants to help you build your business, but siëo wants to help you find your idea. So, stay curious. When others complain about problems, be the one to quiet them with your solutions. In doing so, refuse to accept the norm. Instead, create the norm.

That’s what we did, and that’s what brought siëo to life.